Incorrectly implementing native ad tags while using Traffic Cop on Block Mode will hinder Traffic Cop from being able to effectively suppress ad serving to suspect and invalid traffic.
Traffic Cop stops ad requests from firing when invalid traffic is detected so ads are not served to these users, thereby preventing ad fraud from taking place.
If you are using PubGuru tags from MonetizeMore, these conversions are no longer necessary as these types of tags are automatically configured to work with Traffic Cop. The following instructions only apply to publishers using hardcoded Google Publisher tags on the site.
If ads from third-parties such native ad providers (Taboola/Outbrain, MGID, RevContent, Whizzco, etc) are not properly deployed on the site while Traffic Cop is active, then it will not be able to perform its function. Essentially, GAM tags are supposed to be wrapped inside the atq function. Here’s an example of a raw native ad tag and how it should look like when wrapped in the atq function for Traffic Cop compatibility:
Example of Converting a Native Ad Tag for Traffic Cop Compatibility:
<script type="124124a0331591c20da41abb-text/javascript" src=""</script>
<script type="text/javascript">||{};
pg.atq=pg.atq||[]; pg.atq.push(function() {
Converting a native ad tag can be tricky as it each script may be different from another and so, it may need to be converted differently.
Your Traffic Cop experts at MonetizeMore can help with these tag conversions and the converted tag sample above can be used as a template of how the tags should be configured. Just make sure to update the details in the tag to match your own raw tags. For example, there may be a unique account or user ID in the script that should reflect in the converted tag. Consult with your Traffic Cop implementation team to check how your native ad tag needs to be converted or wrapped.
Once the tags are correctly wrapped in the atq function, ad requests will be delayed from getting sent out until any suspect user is able to solve the captcha that appears on the page whenever suspicious or invalid traffic is detected.
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