What is user generated content?

April 30, 2020 | by Kean Graham
What is user generated content_

What is user-generated content or UGC? Brands frequently run user-generated content campaigns to sell their products and promote services. Are there any samples to show? What are some ideas of user-generated content that you can apply? In this post, we’ll take a closer look at UGC and answer those questions for you!

What is user-generated content (UGC)?

  • User-generated content (UGC) or user-created Content (UCC) is also called consumer-generated media(CGM).
  • It can be any form of Content such as video, blog posts, forum posts, digital images, audio files, and other forms of media created by users that are publically accessible to others.
  • It also includes any content created and published by unpaid contributors or followers/fans as an act of users supporting a brand.

Some examples:

“Share a Coke,” does this ring a bell? Coca-cola always tops these kinds of campaigns all year round. They create advertising that relates to people. Their customers end up creating and sharing their content all over the world. The “Share a Coke” campaign has been a huge success since 2011.

Read more about the campaign here.

#ShotOnIphone – As people started to dislike the camera of iPhone when taking pictures on low-light, Apple released the campaign #ShotOnIphone to reclaim their lost trust on the iPhone’s camera abilities. In this campaign, they motivated people to take amazing photos with their iPhones and share it with the world.

Find out more about the campaign here.

These are just some of the examples of user-generated content that hit the world by storm and generated lots of recognition and revenue for companies.

How can you utilize user-generated content?

As with any form of marketing, creativity is very important when it comes to this type of advertising. You can use UGC to showcase an astonishing or unique aspect of your brand whether it’s content from your customers, users, members of your neighborhood, city, town, or district. You can ask people from social media to submit stories and show what your brand is about and means to them.

Give people a reason to get connected with your campaign that’s bigger than social media itself. It can be an awareness campaign or a benefaction drive. Build a great product, outdo at helping customers succeed, and curate a presence on social media that your users want to be a part of.

Let them share it with you and the world so that you can grow your community.

You can do the same with word-of-mouth. Let the people share their experiences with your products. Remember, people trust customer recommendations, and if you show them being successfully used by real people, it’s easier to get them to your website to start shopping.

If you’re making an advertisement or releasing a new product, use UGC to get the word out about your followers and consumers trying it out for the first time.

Use a give-aways or contest to promote and generate noise around a UGC campaign. Offer a prize for participating (using a branded hashtag, of course) to get people excited about commenting, posting, and sharing on Social Media.

These are just some of the ways you can use UGC to promote your products, services, and brand.

What about publishers with user-generated content?

Monetizing a site with UGC is not always easy as you have limited control over the content users create unless you heavily moderate it. If for instance, you monetize this type of content with AdSense, you still need to ensure that your content complies with the AdSense program policies, or else you could risk violating policies and worst, lose your ad account.

However, having users generate content for your site can be amazing. They create content, which in turn means you rank for additional keywords on Google, it generates traffic and you earn revenue from ads. It can also create a viral buzz, get shared by users on social media platforms, and created additional referral traffic.

Managing it effectively and maximizing your ad revenue while keeping your ad accounts in good standing is critical. Want to take your ad revenue to the next level, while ensuring your ad account stays intact and you don’t violate policies? MonetizeMore has a team of expert ad optimization specialists working on a wide variety of sites as well as sites with user-generated content. We can help you stay compliant with AdSense and any other ad networks while optimizing your ad revenue.

Sign up to MonetizeMore today and take your ad revenue to the next level!

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