How to Create an Ad Exchange Order in Google Ad Manager? [Fastest Way]

Learn2MonetizeMore Videos
Last updated: August 11, 2023 | by Aleesha Jacob

This post was most recently updated on August 11th, 2023

In the dynamic realm of digital advertising, understanding how to harness the capabilities of platforms like Google Ad Manager (GAM) is crucial for publishers. As Ad Exchange gains traction, setting up orders effectively within GAM becomes even more essential. In this comprehensive guide, we walk you through the process of creating an Ad Exchange order, seamlessly integrating it with AdSense, and ensuring you’re well-equipped to optimize your ad inventory. Dive in to master the nuances and elevate your advertising game.

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How to Create an Ad Exchange Order in Google Ad Manager? [Fastest Way] MonitizeMore

How to Create an Ad Exchange Order in Google Ad Manager (GAM):

Creating an order for Ad Exchange within Google Ad Manager is straightforward. It’s a good practice to complete this after you’ve set up all your AdSense orders. AdSense and Ad Exchange, both being Google products, integrate seamlessly with GAM.

We’ll also touch upon the distinct steps in setting up an Ad Exchange order as compared to AdSense orders. By the end of this guide, you’ll be adept at creating orders for both Ad Exchange and AdSense.

Steps to Create an Ad Exchange Order in GAM:

  1. Before Starting: If you have an AdSense account, prioritize creating orders for it before moving onto Ad Exchange.
  2. Access Google Ad Manager: Log into your GAM account.
  3. Initiating a New Order: Navigate to the “Delivery” tab and click “New Order.”
  4. Name Your Order: Input a unique name for your order to distinguish it within your network.
  5. Select the Ad Network: Choose “Google Ad Exchange” from the options.
  6. Create a New Line Item: Within your order, select “New line item” for your ad tag.
  7. Reference Your Ad Exchange Tags: If you haven’t previously set up Ad Exchange tags, refer to tutorials on creating Google Ad Exchange Tags. Otherwise, from your saved document, copy the first ad tag name you’ve created (e.g., “ch1_AdX_MonetizeMore_top_728x90”).
  8. Select Inventory Size: Choose the size corresponding to your ad tag (e.g., 728 x 90). Ensure it matches the size in your ad tag.
  9. Advertiser Option: Check the “Allow same advertiser” box.
  10. Adjust Settings: Under the “Settings” section, choose “Ad Exchange” for the Type. You have the option to tweak delivery settings, though it’s not mandatory.
  11. Targeting: Navigate to “Add Targeting,” select “Inventory,” then click “Ad units.” This will display units you previously set up in Ad Exchange.
  12. Include Ad Units: Identify and select the appropriate ad unit or units, then click “include.”
  13. Saving: Scroll down and select “Save and upload creatives.”
  14. Retrieve the Ad Code: You can source this from your saved document or directly from your Ad Exchange account. For this tutorial, we’re obtaining it from Ad Exchange.
  15. Add New Creative: Paste the ad code into the “New Creative” box.
  16. Name Your Creative: Use the size as its name (e.g., 728 x 90). Do not alter the code, as changes may disrupt its functionality.
  17. Save: Click on “Save.”
  18. Order Approval: To get your order running, you’ll need to approve it. Click the “Delivery” tab, locate your order (which will be in “Pending approval” status), and select “Approve.”
  19. Integration with AdSense: If you have AdSense line items, they will compete with Ad Exchange line items. They can be set at an equivalent or lower priority to optimize yield.


As we navigate the ever-changing seas of digital advertising, staying updated and mastering platforms like Google Ad Manager is paramount. With this guide in hand, you’re now equipped to harness the potential of Ad Exchange, set up orders with precision, and pave the way for maximized returns. Keep abreast of evolving trends, leverage GAM’s capabilities, and watch your digital advertising strategy soar to new heights.

  To get the latest videos from our Learn2MonetizeMore series, subscribe to our YouTube channel.

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