4 Reasons to Secure Your DNS Control Internally

Ad Servers
Last updated: June 27, 2019 | by Kean Graham
4 Reasons to Secure Your DNS Control Internally

This post was most recently updated on June 27th, 2019

Should you give up DNS control of your website to another company in your ad serving?

This might be a question that you are entertaining as a publisher of websites. Some companies may be asking you to give your Domain Name Server details and access in exchange for profit or some other benefit for your online business or ventures. While there are lucrative prospects to collaborating with other websites and offering your DNS information, it is essential to err on the side of caution when it comes to sharing your DNS details.

The truth is, hack problems are already rampant even if you do not hand over extremely classified information like your DNS records. These days, also if you do not hand over the control of your site, there are already methods of hacking a DNS server. Add a layer of DNS security and understand the following reasons why you should not easily give up DNS management capability to third parties.

Unauthorized people can hack or hijack your website and steal your traffic

Giving Domain Name Server control increases your risk for a DNS leak, which can lead to other entities gaining access to your site. Your DNS is the phone number for your website and a clear marker of your domain’s identity. Once an unauthorized party gets access, they can do a DNS hijack and steal your traffic.

Your domain may be redirected to a spam site and get brutally penalized by Google

As far as your ad serving is concerned, the worst possible death gauntlet to your earnings is to be penalized by Google. With a DNS access by a third party, your website users may be redirected to a spam site. This can flag your domain as a threat or source of malware. Getting back into Google’s good graces after a penalty takes a lot of work, and this will adversely affect your page’s search engine ranking.

Some attacks can be sophisticated enough to infect computers at a massive scale

The worst case with dangers of DNS control is the propagation of viruses that can set off a chain reaction. It will affect not just your online domains but all the readers who head over to your website with a compromised dyn. It can even be used for large scale attacks like the much publicized DDOS hacks that have been recently in the global newsfeed.

External tech can affect your page load

There is so much dependence on a third party if they require DNS control to employ their services. If a third party has DNS control, you can even run the risk of having page load problems from the third party. The entire website can be at risk over another site or company’s failure to keep their services up.

Weighing the risks of handing over DNS control to another website, it is wise to maintain exclusive control and management over your DNS setting.

MonetizeMore increases your ad revenues without requiring you to give up DNS control.  You can find out which ad optimization product is the best fit for your publisher business here.

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