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How to monetize your App with ‘App Open Ads’


App Open Ads are ad formats that allow publishers to monetize app load screens. These ads are shown when the users open the app actively on their devices. The format is designed to seamlessly integrate into the loading screens of the apps to maximize engagement.

The users using the apps can close these ads at any time. The App Open Ads format is now in Open beta for Google Ad Manager.

Google has also made several improvements to enhance the performance and usability of the App Open Ads format that helps publishers maximize their revenue with features like standardized publisher branding.

After implementing the latest version of App Open Ads, publishers have seen an uplift in their app revenues:


How can an app open ad be used effectively in an application?

Imagine App Open Ads as those ads that pop up when your app is loading – a little greeting before the main content. Here’s how to make them work for you:

If you can, try loading your App Open Ads in advance. This way, they appear instantly, making the experience smoother for your users. Congrats!

How are App Open Ads shown to the users?

When the ads are displayed on the user’s device(s), a small section on top of the device’s screen will show the branding of the publisher’s app. This is to let the users know that they are in the app and can continue to use the app. For example:

Setup for App Open Ads:


To check the performance of App Open Ads on your inventory:

Which adapter versions are supported for various ad networks like Google bidding, Google AdMob, Mintegral, Pangle, and Vungle?

App Open Ads are a neat way to show ads as your app launches. To make them work smoothly with different ad networks, you need the right “adapters.” Think of adapters like translators between your app and the ad networks. Here’s the lowdown on which adapter versions you need:

What are the best practices recommended for using App Open Ads?

App Open Ads from Google can help publishers monetize their apps when the users are on the app loading screen. Hence, it’s recommended to keep the best course of action in mind that allows a better user experience.

Placement is Key

Design Matters

Frequency & Timing

What else can you do:


App Open Ads’ unique display timing not only uses an app loading screens as a new ad placement opportunity, it also contributes all the earnings as an additional source of revenue for publishers.

If you’re interested to know more about the implementation or want to run this for your mobile applications, reach out to us, and our team of Mobile App Ad Experts can help you. Reach out and send your App for an evaluation!

Related Reads

1- Best Guide to App Monetization

2- In-App Monetization Optimization Strategies



When should the first App Open Ad be shown to users, especially new users?

Wait until new users open the app and use it a few times before displaying the first App Open Ad. This approach emphasizes user engagement and retention, ensuring that ads are introduced at an appropriate stage in the user's interaction with the app.

How can over-exposure to App Open Ads be avoided?

To prevent over-exposure to App Open Ads, strategies such as using a frequency cap managed outside of AppLovin and implementing a cool-down period based on user behavior are suggested. These measures help control when ads are served and ensure a balanced ad experience for users.

What technical considerations should be taken into account when integrating App Open Ads?

Initialize AppLovin's SDK before loading an app open ad to ensure proper functionality. Additionally, avoiding parallel loading of multiple ad formats is recommended to optimize device resources and ad demand SDKs.

How should the sequence of actions be structured when using App Open Ads?

The sequence recommended for using App Open Ads includes displaying a splash/loading screen before showing the ad, informing the user about seeing an ad, and ensuring the order of splash screen - app open ad - app content is maintained.

What action should be taken if the loading screen completes loading before the ad is dismissed, specifically in the didHide method?

If the loading screen completes loading before the ad is dismissed, dismiss your loading screen in the didHide method to ensure a smooth transition for the user experience.

What steps should be taken if a loading screen is present under the app open ad, and how to manage the loading screen effectively in relation to the ad?

If you have a loading screen under the app open ad, and your loading screen completes loading before the ad is dismissed, you may want to dismiss your loading screen in the didHide method.

How to create a method to show an ad (if ready) and call that method inside applicationDidBecomeActive?

Create a method that shows an ad (if ready) and call that method inside applicationDidBecomeActive to ensure your app attempts to show an ad on app open or loads one if not preloaded.

How to preload a MAAppOpenAd in order to ensure the app open ad is ready when the application is brought to the foreground?

To preload a MAAppOpenAd, you need to create a method that shows an ad (if ready) and call that method inside applicationDidBecomeActive.

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