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Implementing and Setting Up The New Google Ad Exchange

This post was most recently updated on September 19th, 2019

Once you’ve signed up for the new Google Ad Exchange interface, you’ll need to set up and implement it. Google’s tried to do what they can to make the transition as seamless as possible, but because some conceptual groupings and names have changed, there are a few things you’ll need to tweak.

First, keep in mind that when you transition to the new Ad Exchange Inventory Management system, Google creates a new rule and tag for every ad unit in your inventory. This is to accommodate the switch to the new system and tagging concepts. You can change these rules at any time, but keep in mind these basic principles:

  1. In the new Ad Exchange interface, there’s a one-to-one relationship between ad units, rules, and tags. That is, each ad unit will create one rule and one tag. You won’t need to change any of your ad server configurations, though; Google Ad Exchange automatically transfers that data.
  2. You no longer need to specify a tag for targeting purposes.
  3. One channel will be created for every active custom channel associated with ad units.

While things are easier to find in the new Google Ad Exchange inventory management interface, you’ll likely find the transition to be an easy and seamless one. Contact us today for more information about how we can optimize your Google Ad Exchange revenue.

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