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Top AdSense Ad Violations

This post was most recently updated on September 22nd, 2021

Many publishers struggle to balance user base engagement with ad monetization.

Accomplishing both at once requires finding a happy medium.  All the while publishers need to toe the line of ad network compliance in order to benefit from monetization or user base engagement. Staying compliant is vital to achieving profitability and for most publishers, it begins by being aware of and in compliance with Adsense.

Here are some common AdSense violations that can thwart your online success.

1) Prohibited content

Celebrity photos are never a violation. In fact, most websites feature recent photos of gorgeous models.  However, photos of models in skimpy swimsuits or revealing clothing can become a violation if it crosses the line.  This can be considered mature content, a common Google Adsense violation.

Third party ads that contain these kinds of photos can also fall under this violation. Thus, it is important to check what ads show up on your pages every now and then.

Related Read: Placing Third-party ads alongside Google Ads

2) Ads intentionally implemented near navigation links

The more people who accidentally click on these ads, the more money we will make.  But for how long will you get away with it?  Usually not too long.

Some tend to blend link ads with their navigation category section misleading users into believing that it’s just another section in the site. This is a no-no according to Google.

3) Poor website content quality

Low-quality writing (or thin content) is published on the web with nothing to offer to readers. Other websites will just contain hundreds and thousands of images with no text to accompany them. This is a clear example of insufficient content. These sites lack enough text for Google crawlers to understand what the site is about. Usually, this leads to a disapproved AdSense application.

Related Read: Insufficient Content Lead to Adsense Rejection

4) Excessive pop-ups

Google frowns at websites that overdo pop-ups. Not only this is very obtrusive but these can also scare away readers before they get the chance to become hooked on your content. Having three is acceptable. Anything more than that is no longer allowed. Imagine having to close out a new window every time you move to a new page – that’s not user-friendly.

Related Read: Placing Google Ads on a Website with Pop-ups

When you start your own website, it is expected that you know the terms and that you can commit to constant website monitoring. It is a rule of thumb to always check for policy notifications to make sure that your site is safe and in good standing.

Related Read: Google Content Policy Violations and How Your Website Can Avoid Them

Here are a few steps to check if you received notifications for your AdSense account:

Step 1: Once logged on, click on the gear icon on the upper left-hand corner.

Step 2: From the list, click on “Status” and a new page will open up showing all violations found on your site.

In this list, you can expand each notification to get a more detailed description and at the same time mark it as “Resolved” when you made the changes requested.

For reference, you can check out this link for more information –

If you want your websites to be Google Adsense and Ad Exchange-compliant, sign up for a Starter account at MonetizeMore today!

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