You expected bidCap[0.1] but found bidCap[0.2]. Follow these steps to fix it.

This post was most recently updated on November 6th, 2021

Verify if this error is correct.

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: Search for your publisher’s DFP Network ID and check the latest request.

Step 3: You should see the “max_price” which is the same as ‘bid cap’.

You expected bidCap[0.1] but found bidCap[0.2]. Follow these steps to fix it. MonitizeMore

Step 4: Find out if the expected bid cap is true by logging into the publisher’s DFP account.

Step 5: Open the last PubGuru Header Bidding order (the one with the biggest #-xxx).

Step 6: Check the line item with the highest CPM rate as this is your bid cap.

You expected bidCap[0.1] but found bidCap[0.2]. Follow these steps to fix it. MonitizeMore

Step 7: Once validated, please report this to our support team with this notification title in the subject line and they’ll help you troubleshoot the issue.


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