Improve performance and user experience by reducing the number of ad units on this page

This post was most recently updated on noviembre 7th, 2021

We generally do not recommend more than 5 ad units per page unless extremely necessary (e.g. lengthy content).


Step 1: Audit your Header Bidding configuration to make sure Device is properly set per ad unit:

Improve performance and user experience by reducing the number of ad units on this page MonitizeMore

Step 2: If you have an OFF-page + responsive setup, when adding the ad unit twice, Device needs to be specified for each and corresponding Placement ID/parameter added:

Improve performance and user experience by reducing the number of ad units on this page MonitizeMore

Improve performance and user experience by reducing the number of ad units on this page MonitizeMore

Step 3: If you have an ON-page setup, check that Device detection codes are set to properly load the ads based on device

Improve performance and user experience by reducing the number of ad units on this page MonitizeMore


  1. It is important that you have no more ads on your site than visible content.
  2. Google’s policy no longer restricts publishers in terms of the maximum number of ads per page but recommends that there should be as much original content as ads. Find more information here:
  3. Less is more. When you have too many ads on the page, they tend to negatively impact one another, stealing attention or clicks from one another and they all end up losing.
  4. Advertiser bids tend to be lower when there are too many ads. Consider this: why would a buyer pay a $5 CPM for an impression above the fold, when there’s another ad below the fold that he can win only at $2.50?
  5. Less ad slots available could mean tighter competition. Advertisers will put their best bids forward to win.


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